Monday, December 12, 2011

Political Cartoon Lebanon

 This politcal cartoon is about the situation in Lebanon. The unique thing about this cartoon is it is from a Qatar news source. The cartoon explains how the other middle east view the situation .  A majority of the people can all agree on the fact that the militants need to be removed from Lebanon, and Lebanon as a whole will stand strong to fight them and to eventually remove them from the country.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Herman Cain comes with baggage!

In a 2007 discussion Herman Cain could be heard discussing problems that political candidates are having with issues in their past.  Now those comments by Mr. Cain are in the spotlight due to his past problems with sexual harassment charges.  Although Herman Cain and the two female’s complainants had a signed contract agreeing that they would not discuss the matter anymore.  The females feel that Herman Cain broke that contract when he began bad mouthing them publicly. The National restaurant association said that Tuesday night it would hear from Bennett and would weigh his request when he makes it.
Bennett said to reporters that for the various news outlets, including the Washington Post, that his client is a federal worker now living in suburban Maryland and is "happily married." He said she's wary her image, but wants the ability to rebut claims made by Cain, who this week called the harassment allegations "false"

Monday, October 17, 2011

Why is the government drifting so far from its green pledges?

Lately are enviorment has started to show symptoms of the problems are planet is having with pollution we are putting in to it.  This is just a small taste of what is to come. Although the present government is considered the greenest government ever, are government is still having trouble fulfilling its green pledges because it is said to drag down business.  Many business leaders say that keeping its green pledge can cause economic problems for future business.  In my opinion are goverment should give a big enough tax cut to these companies that cant afford it so they are able to afford to go green.  Another option would be a put a high tax on foregin goods so that way the companies arent able to buy cheaper material from other country that in turn causes much pollution.