Monday, June 4, 2012

Annan, Clinton to meet about Syria
Global debate over the Syrian crisis is expected to ratchet up this week, with Russian and European Union leaders grappling with the thorny issue and U.N. members reassessing whether to take further action.  Kofi Annan, joint envoy to Syria for the United Nations and the Arab League, will meet Friday with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Washington to discuss Syria, sources told CNN. 
The crisis that has killed thousands over 15 months was expected to dominate the agenda at the EU-Russia Summit in St. Petersburg, Russia, on Monday. World leaders have accused Russia of supporting and selling arms to the Syrian regime -- assertions that Russian President Vladimir Putin has denied. 
Al-Assad's remarks stand in stark contrast to what the opposition and many world leaders have said for more than a year: that al-Assad's forces, not "terrorists," are behind a sustained slaughter stemming from the regime's crackdown on dissidents.  As the president spoke, shells rained on the anti-government bastion of Homs, the LCC said. Thirty-seven people were killed Sunday in Syria, five of them children, the group said.

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