Thursday, January 26, 2012

Somali Government Backs US Hostage Rescue

The Somali government says it supports the U.S. military operation that freed two Western aid workers who had been held hostage in the war-ravaged country.  statement released Thursday, Somalia's transitional government said the rescue of Jessica Buchanan, an American, and Poul Thisted, a Dane, was a "great joy" to "right-thinking people everywhere."  The Somali government praised the operation, saying that "hitting them hard" is the only language that kidnappers, pirates, and terrorists understand.  The Somali government said its people "could have no better friends," and praised Buchanan and Thisted for "risking their lives" to help make the country safe for children.  I feel the Somalia government has no  choice but  to praise the united states, because their crime rate is such a problem.


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