Thursday, January 26, 2012

UK Lawmakers Call For Government Reaction To Jay Leno Joke

Not to long ago Jay Leno made a joke against Mitt Romney that has created  a lawsuit, formal complaints, hurt feelings, an avalanche of commentary and, today, a motion in the British Parliament. Last week, Leno performed a Tonight Show bit that showed a photo of a building cited as “Mitt Romney’s summer home.” In reality, it was an image of the Sikh holy shrine Golden Temple in Amritsar, India. On Tuesday, Leno and NBC were sued for libel in California over the matter, and now British Labour Party lawmakers Virendra Shrama and John McDonnell are seeking an apology from Leno and NBC to all Sikhs “for this disrespectful depiction of the Golden Temple.” The MPs are also calling for Prime Minister David Cameron’s government to “make representations to the U.S. government that while recognising principles of freedom of speech there should be more understanding and respect shown to the Sikh faith.” The full motion:  I feel this could hurt Mitt Romney's campaign because people will see that his party is making a big deal about this which makes him seem even more out of touch with the average american.

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