Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ron Paul: the incredible shrinking candidate

At the risk of annoying supporters of Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, who believe and argue fervently  that the mainstream news media don't pay attention to their candidate, it must be noted that Twitter and Facebook don't, either. 
Accusations that news organizations are ignoring Paul's presidential campaign are an organizing principle of his supporters, who take to Facebook and Twitter to complain that the only reason Paul isn't leading is a "media blackout." 
In fact, Paul's rally was covered by the major St. Louis media  but never mind that perception matters in politics. And the perception in some quarters is that the media are actively trying to sink Paul's campaign.  Pauls best political move right now would be to continue with the race but ask Rommney for Vice Presidency if he wins.

Despite lagging, Newt Gingrich argues the nation needs a visionary

Newt Gingrich is still out there fighting for the Republican presidential nomination, invoking the Bible and Abraham Lincoln as he pushes the idea that America badly needs "a visionary conservative."
"I've stayed in the race because I think Proverbs is right," he told an appreciative audience at Judson University. "It warns that without vision, people will perish."
Gingrich is given little chance of winning the Republican nomination, but he vows to stay in the race. He said his campaign is having a "halftime resetting of the game plan," and he plans to talk more about "big ideas" involving space, brain science, energy and other topics. He promised a much clearer definition of a visionary conservative.  In my oppinion Newt is done for the race, his best bet would be to sponser another canidate.  Asking Rick Santorum for vice president if he won would not only help Santorum because of all the Newt supporters but Newt is an intelligant guy who can make good choices.

Rick Santorum explains unemployment remark

Rick Santorum's comment on the eve of the Illinois primary that the nation's unemployment rate "doesn't matter to me" stood out.
Mitt Romney pounced on it, and Santorum admitted he wished he had a "do-over." The GOP presidential hopeful clarified his remarks Monday night during a rally in East Peoria, Ill., and again in radio and TV interviews.  Santorum's explanation for this remark was that he is focused on what causes joblessness rather than unemployment rates. In my oppinion Rick Santorum's right but needs to be more careful about what he says while being viewd by the people of the United states. Priebus said on CNN's Starting Point. He argued the election is not "what the Department of Labor says the unemployment rate is, but it's going to be about Obamacare, the debt, the deficit.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Virgina Govner Signs Bill mandating abdominal ultrasounds for women seeking abortion

Abdominal ultrasounds for women seeking abortions in Virginia will become mandatory under a bill signed into law Wednesday by the state's Republican governor, who had faced a national uproar when earlier versions of the measure had sought to make the exams medically invasive.
The law conservative Gov. Bob McDonnell signed requires all Virginia abortion providers to comply starting July 1 or pay a $2,500 fine for each violation. Patients living within 100 miles of the clinic where the abortion is performed must wait 24 hours after the ultrasound examination before having an abortion.  My oppinion on this is that all Women should have the right to know all  available medical and legal information surrounding the abortion decision before giving legally effective informed consent.  Who knows this could mean the decision between someones life and someones death.

Mississippi governor endorses Romney

Republican White House hopeful Mitt Romney picked up the key endorsement of Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant, days ahead of a primary in the conservative southern state.
Bryant said on Thursday he thought Romney had the best chance of beating President Barack Obama in November's general election and believes the multimillionaire former businessman can "turn America around to get back on the right track."
In a radio interview in neighboring Alabama, which like Mississippi holds its primary on Tuesday, Romney, a former governor of liberal Massachusetts, said he considers the votes in the conservative south to be an away game.  I believe this to be true in the race against president Obama. Newt has already made to many enemy's, although i am not doubting that he is a strong leader.  Obama has had his chance to prove himself but in my opinion has not came through.  I believe it is time to give someone else a chance, and with these endorsements Romney might just be able to accomplish that.