Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Despite lagging, Newt Gingrich argues the nation needs a visionary

Newt Gingrich is still out there fighting for the Republican presidential nomination, invoking the Bible and Abraham Lincoln as he pushes the idea that America badly needs "a visionary conservative."
"I've stayed in the race because I think Proverbs is right," he told an appreciative audience at Judson University. "It warns that without vision, people will perish."
Gingrich is given little chance of winning the Republican nomination, but he vows to stay in the race. He said his campaign is having a "halftime resetting of the game plan," and he plans to talk more about "big ideas" involving space, brain science, energy and other topics. He promised a much clearer definition of a visionary conservative.  In my oppinion Newt is done for the race, his best bet would be to sponser another canidate.  Asking Rick Santorum for vice president if he won would not only help Santorum because of all the Newt supporters but Newt is an intelligant guy who can make good choices.

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