Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rick Santorum explains unemployment remark

Rick Santorum's comment on the eve of the Illinois primary that the nation's unemployment rate "doesn't matter to me" stood out.
Mitt Romney pounced on it, and Santorum admitted he wished he had a "do-over." The GOP presidential hopeful clarified his remarks Monday night during a rally in East Peoria, Ill., and again in radio and TV interviews.  Santorum's explanation for this remark was that he is focused on what causes joblessness rather than unemployment rates. In my oppinion Rick Santorum's right but needs to be more careful about what he says while being viewd by the people of the United states. Priebus said on CNN's Starting Point. He argued the election is not "what the Department of Labor says the unemployment rate is, but it's going to be about Obamacare, the debt, the deficit.

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